Correlation between China Green Policy and EVA & PE demand

Correlation between China Green Policy and EVA & PE demand

Last post, we talked about the correlation between China green policy and EVA & OE demand in ???????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????? 1st ???????????????????????????????? webinar ???????????????????? ????
EVA ⏩ ethylene vinyl acetate a.k.a. 乙烯醋酸乙烯酯 ⏪ films are the most important material in the ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? of the solar cell.
The EVA films play an important role in ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ☔ and ???????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????? the solar panels. And with the help of EVA, the solar cells are floating ????between glass and backsheet, helping to soften the ???????????????????????? and ????????????????????????????????????????.

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